Current Reality

Memories, things nostalgic, are wonderful places to visit. Just don’t stay overnight! Plans and preparation for the future are wise to have and do. Some, especially as we age, we like to return to and settle down in Memory Lane. Others fret and stew over what will happen, if….? Or how will I be able to make ends meet? My point is that we tend to devote much time looking back or looking ahead and comparatively little time thinking about “Now.” We can’t change the past; we can, however, learn from it. We cannot live in the future; each new moment is “Now.” Now is the current reality! Isn’t it time to major on our day by day, hour by hour, lives and live wisely? The wise Psalmist, in Psalm 90:12 exhorts us to ask: “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply (our) hearts unto wisdom.” Satan is well aware that if he can move us to think much on the past and/or future, that we will neglect the present.  Everything that is going to be accomplished for the glory of God has to be done here and now! That is why our enemy works overtime to move our thoughts anywhere but in our current reality. He’s a master at distracting our minds and emotions from letting “now” be used by and for God and for us to think about most anything but maturing Spiritually. Let’s not let him get away with his evil strategy. Instead, let’s do what Redd Harper told us that he was doing In his song, “Each Step of the Way.” He testified: “I‘m following Jesus one step at a time, I live for the moment, in His love Divine. Why think of tomorrow? Just live for today, I’m following Jesus each step of the way.” Selah! Capture the moment and let God use it. Ron

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1 thought on “Current Reality

  1. This is timely for me today. I struggled throughout the night with my mind bouncing back to many memories from the past. This was no doubt triggered by the fact that I will be meeting with a group of my high school classmates – and was pondering how I should approach them to get them on Spiritual things. Praise God they have allowed me to share the Gospel and pray with them the last 2 times we have met. Charlie is coming from out of State today (I was close to him in grade school). I want to thank him for encouraging me to learn 300 verses so I could go to Camp Hope in Rumney, NH. It was at camp I was challenged to read a chapter from the Bible each day – and was also challenged to live for the Lord. It had a big bearing upon my spiritual life and growth. I question Charlie’s salvation – but many years have passed by with no contact with him – so things could be different than when we parted from graduation day.

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