An Unlikely Evangelistic Occasion

In Mark 1:1-15 we have this announcement: “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; as it is written in the prophets, ‘Behold, I send My messenger before thy face, which shall prepare Thy way before Thee, the voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.'” This didn’t take place in a great auditorium. Verse 4 tells us it was “in the wilderness.” The messenger is very different from what we have seen in our day. Verse 6 provides this description of John, the Baptist: “And John was clothed with camel’s hair, and with a girdle of a skin about his loins; and he did eat locusts and wild honey.” He preached preparation (Verse 3), repentance (Verse 4). and he preached Christ (Verses 7-8).  Preparation, repentance and “Jesus” sums up John’s message, the message he was sent to proclaim. (The results are given in Verse 5 and Verses 9-11). Jesus came to John and was baptized and that event was given the seal of approval by the entire Trinity (Verses 10-11). Following this event, Jesus’ ministry began with testing and led to further evangelism (Verses 12-15). That evangelism also included a call to repent and believe. That message has never lost its effectiveness! Down through the many years since this beginning, the message has been proclaimed and multitudes have responded. It is a message to turn from sin to God; it is a message to trust God’s offer of salvation and to trust Him (believe Him) and surrender to His Lordship. Mrs. J. M. Preston has given us the hymn: “What Is It to Believe?” The words give us some understanding of the response of repentance and real trust: “I would be ready, Lord, my house in order set, none of the work Thou gavest me to do, unfinished yet. I would be watching, Lord, with lamp well-trimmed and clear, quick to throw open wide the door what time Thou drawest near. I would be waiting, Lord, because I cannot know if in the night or morning watch I may be called to go. I would be working, Lord, each day, each hour, Lord, for Thee, assured that thus I wait Thee well, when e’er Thy coming be. I would be living, Lord, as ever in Thine eye; for whoso lives the holiest life is readiest to die.” Selah! May our lives show holiness replacing sin and a surrendering to His life-changing control of our lives!   Ron

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1 thought on “An Unlikely Evangelistic Occasion

  1. Amen! Believing is active. Believing is engaging. Believing is involvement. Believing is not at all passive. Believing is connecting with Jesus and allowing Him to “take over” our lives. Believing is becoming like Christ in every way.

    Thanks again for today’s post.


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